When Does Baby Head Shape Become Permanent
As parents, caregivers, and health professionals, one of the common concerns regarding newborns and infants is the shape of their heads. Babies are born with soft, pliable skulls that allow them to pass through the birth canal, which results in slight misshaping of their heads during delivery. Over time, however, the head shape typically becomes more defined as the baby grows. Understanding when baby head shape becomes permanent and how to address any concerns during development is essential for ensuring optimal cranial health. The Basics of Infant Skull Development At birth, a baby’s skull is not fully fused. Instead, the skull is made up of several bones that are connected by flexible sutures and soft spots known as fontanelles. These sutures and fontanelles allow the skull to expand as the baby’s brain grows. Because of this, babies’ heads are soft and prone to minor reshaping in response to external pressure. The fontanelles typically close by the time the child is around 18 to 24 ...